( instabilidade, crise sem controle, catástrofe, estagnação e perda de potência/energia )
Entre 1950 e 1973, a economia do país cresceu, em média, 7% ao ano, chegando a superar os 10% a.a durante a década de 1950 - ritmo somente superado pelo Japão, no mesmo período. Esse crescimento, no entanto, deu-se as custas de um aumento de concentração de renda e das desigualdades entre ricos e pobres, pelo menos à princípio, intensificando as divisões políticas na Grécia.
Sem dúvida este odu ifa revela para a Grécia uma previsão de perdas patrimoniais e financeiras, onde acordos serão desfeitos ou não cumpridos. É um caminho de revolta e rebelião para o povo que não aceita mais o clientelismo, a corrupção, o uso inapropriado da força e medidas injustas.
O único consenso possível no momento é que o maior e o menor estão igualados na necessidade de sacrificar. Corrupção e negócios ilícitos chegaram ao limite e muita sujeira ainda vai aparecer.
O pacote de medidas austero ditado pelo FMI não será aceito pelo povo, muito menos um governo tecnocrático suprimindo as eleições vindouras. Este será um caminho de massacre e não uma solução, abrindo caminho para mais rebelião, revoltas e destruíção.
Através deste odu ifa vejo que esta dívida é simplesmente impagável e que o governo deve assumir a responsabilidade pelos prejuízos causados e responder pela atual situação.
Nesse sentido, alguma liderança política vai emergir nesse cenário caótico pedindo a revisão e a reestruturação da dívida grega. Essa liderança vai aglutinar legítimo apoio popular para verificar a existência de irregularidades e contestar o pagamento.
O odu Ose meji é um odu de consenso, perdão e esforço comunitário enquanto Osa meji é caminho da rebelião e destruíção de uma organização social ineficaz. Através deste Odu Ifa não vejo como a Grécia sair dessa situação de outro modo a não ser através de uma reforma estrutural profunda e política, levando o Sr. Papademos para bem longe do governo e dos " ovos podres " que irão jogar sobre ele.
Um novo governo se desenha, porém, fraco...o que poderá fazer a Grécia andar em círculos novamente e nada resolver.
Financistas tendem a viver e imaginar uma economia ideal, mas a economia verdadeira é real, produtiva, empreendedora, inaugura novos mercados e oportunidades.
Política recessiva aponta sim para o fim do Euro - mas este tópico deixo para uma próxima previsão.
Nem que seja por Ares ( Ogun ) que a Grécia reaja e lute contra a miséria e estagnação !
Ire o
OSA OSE IN IBI OFU(Instability, uncontrolled crisis, disaster, stagnation and loss of power / energy)
Between 1950 and 1973, the economy grew on average 7% annually, surpassing the 10% per year during the 1950s - the pace surpassed only by Japan during the same period. This growth, however, took place at the expense of an increased concentration of income and inequalities between rich and poor, at least at first, intensifying the political divisions in Greece.
No doubt this odu ifa shows a forecast for Greece property and financial losses, where agreements are broken or not met. It is a path of revolt and rebellion to the people that no longer accepts patronage, corruption, misuse of power and unjust measures.The only possible consensus now is that the major and minor are matched on the need to sacrifice. Corruption and illegal business reached its limit and a lot of dirt will still appear.
LEVIES OF THE IMFThe package of austerity measures dictated by the IMF will not be accepted by the people, much less a technocratic government suppressing the upcoming elections. This will be a path of carnage and not a solution, paving the way for more rebellion, riots and destruction.Through this odu ifa see that this debt is simply unpayable and that the government must assume responsibility for damage caused by the current situation and respond.In this sense, some political leadership will emerge from this chaotic scenario calling for the revision and restructuring of Greek debt. This leadership will unite popular support for legitimate check for irregularities and challenge the payment.
LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT WITH PEOPLEThe odu odu Ose Meji is a consensus, forgiveness and community effort while Osa Meji is the way of rebellion and destruction of a social organization ineffective. Through this Odu Ifa do not see how Greece out of this situation differently than through structural reform and deep political, taking Mr. Papademos far the government and the "rotten eggs" that will play on it.A new government takes shape, however, weak ... what you can do Greece walking in circles again and solve nothing.Financiers tend to live and imagine an ideal economy, but the real economy is real, productive, enterprising, opens new markets and opportunities.
Policy recessive points rather to the end of the Euro - but I leave this topic for a future prediction.
Even for Ares (Ogun) that Greece will react and fight against poverty and stagnation!Ire the
OSA OSE IN IBI OFU(Instability, uncontrolled crisis, disaster, stagnation and loss of power / energy)
Between 1950 and 1973, the economy grew on average 7% annually, surpassing the 10% per year during the 1950s - the pace surpassed only by Japan during the same period. This growth, however, took place at the expense of an increased concentration of income and inequalities between rich and poor, at least at first, intensifying the political divisions in Greece.
No doubt this odu ifa shows a forecast for Greece property and financial losses, where agreements are broken or not met. It is a path of revolt and rebellion to the people that no longer accepts patronage, corruption, misuse of power and unjust measures.The only possible consensus now is that the major and minor are matched on the need to sacrifice. Corruption and illegal business reached its limit and a lot of dirt will still appear.
LEVIES OF THE IMFThe package of austerity measures dictated by the IMF will not be accepted by the people, much less a technocratic government suppressing the upcoming elections. This will be a path of carnage and not a solution, paving the way for more rebellion, riots and destruction.Through this odu ifa see that this debt is simply unpayable and that the government must assume responsibility for damage caused by the current situation and respond.In this sense, some political leadership will emerge from this chaotic scenario calling for the revision and restructuring of Greek debt. This leadership will unite popular support for legitimate check for irregularities and challenge the payment.
LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT WITH PEOPLEThe odu odu Ose Meji is a consensus, forgiveness and community effort while Osa Meji is the way of rebellion and destruction of a social organization ineffective. Through this Odu Ifa do not see how Greece out of this situation differently than through structural reform and deep political, taking Mr. Papademos far the government and the "rotten eggs" that will play on it.A new government takes shape, however, weak ... what you can do Greece walking in circles again and solve nothing.Financiers tend to live and imagine an ideal economy, but the real economy is real, productive, enterprising, opens new markets and opportunities.
Policy recessive points rather to the end of the Euro - but I leave this topic for a future prediction.
Even for Ares (Ogun) that Greece will react and fight against poverty and stagnation!Ire the
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